New packaging at

Rate now has introduced new packaging for proofs up to DIN A4+ and from A3.

The new A4+ packaging are made of high quality Chromosulfatcardboard with 450gr/m² weight and provided with a pull tab. They can be fitted on the front either with an adress label and postage stamp or for express shipments with a DHL Express label, as shown in the picture below. For shipping abroad we use to send via world letter large with registered mail, which is now directly printed as an adress label with stamp.

Die neuen Proof Verpackungen von Ab sofort sind Ihre Proofs noch besser geschützt.

The new cardboard shipping sleeves are slightly slimmer than before and also provided with a comfortable pull-tab. The new address labels are easy to recognize as of For the different formats between Proof DIN A3 and DIN A0 + they are available in various lengths and are each used appropriately according Proof size. They are used with DHL shipping labels for the standard shipping and express delivery.

To protect the proofs against the weather and humidity, they are additionally inserted in polypropylene bags. These recyclable bags protect the proofs one hand against moisture and on the other hand against mechanical abrasion.

The proofs are cut depending on the format either by hand or with the automatic cutter Fotoba Digitrim.
The proofs are cut depending on the format either by hand or with the automatic cutter Fotoba Digitrim.


For the Proof shipping sleeves and pockets the mailing labels are printed.
For the Proof shipping sleeves and pockets the mailing labels are printed.


All Proofs of are inserted in recyclable polypropylene bags to protect the proofs from humidity.
All Proofs of are inserted in recyclable polypropylene bags to protect the proofs from humidity.

proof_de_verpackung_einlegen proof_de_verpackung_schliessen

The new packaging proofing feature pull tabs that allow for the easy opening of the mail packages.
The new packaging proofing feature pull tabs that allow for the easy opening of the mail packages.


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