Fogra 51 and Fogra 52 Beta Proofs available

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By switching to the new Fiery XF 6.1 and the use of the new X-Rite SpectroProofer ILS-30 measuring instruments, we are now able to proof the current beta versions of the new printing standards Fogra 51 and Fogra 52.

Since the current proofing profiles are available only in preliminary beta versions, the versions are of course not color binding and legally binding. Nevertheless, interested agencies and printers can get a picture of the current state of development and evaluate the coming changes of the OBA proofing papers used better match the colors of the new proofing standards.

We have created a new category in our Store:
Fogra 51 / Fogra 52 Beta Proofs

The Fogra 51/52 Beta proofs are listed as follows:

Proof profile Coated:
PSO_Coated_v3_ECI Practice Fred15_Oct2014.icc

Proof profiles Uncoated:
PSO_Uncoated_blueish_v3_ (ECI) -Fred15-July.icc

Software: Fiery XF 6.1
Proof printer: EPSON 7900/9900
Measurement: Epson / X-Rite SpectroProofer ILS30
Measuring standard: M1 with UV

Proof Paper Coated: EFI Proof Paper 8245OBA Semimatt 245gr / sqm
Proof Paper Uncoated: EFI Proof Paper 8175OBA Matt 175gr / sqm


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