The portal for colour binding proofs, colour proofs, digital proofs, online proofs. Compact knowledge on colour management, graphics, measuring technology & more.
Shortly before Christmas, we initiated a major shop update, and adapted and improved numerous detail functions. But we are especially pleased that the update went without any major disruption for our customers, and that the shop was online and accessible for only a few hours, even though the update had to be carried out at the live shop.
The most important point for us was to update the upload area. The new file upload can now process up to 2GB per file and up to 50 files per article and: The upload now starts automatically, and does not need to be started first. We are thinking about increasing the file limit further here, but we really recommend our customers to simply zip many small files and upload the .zip file before uploading. This helps with the overview, and also helps us in handling.
Another new feature is that now all upload areas of all articles are uploaded in parallel and after successful upload all data is displayed appropriately for the articles. Only after the successful last upload the overview page is updated.
The overview of the loaded data has also improved.
Due to an updated shipping module we have more and more variable shipping methods at our disposal. Thus, starting next year, we will also be able to offer a UPS Express before noon, presumably parallel to the DHL Express before noon.
This is how well organized the new shipping selection now looks
The most important point for us, however, is that the integration of the external modules has now changed so that we can import updates to the shop without having to touch all external modules at the same time. This will give us a lot of flexibility and allow us to respond even faster to better functions in the future and implement them in the shop.
A lot of changes in the background are security patches and an update to a current PHP version, which makes the shop overall more performant and secure.
Next year we are planning a graphical update of the shop before, which will make the website even clearer and faster.
The ISO 12647-7 proofing standard was revised in November 2016 and the test criteria for FograCert contract proof creation were adapted. We have now incorporated these changed criteria into our proofing system and are now working to the stricter tolerances of the latest ISO 12647-7:2016. Why hardly anything changes for our Proof customers The good news is: you won’t notice that our proofs are now precisely produced according to the latest standards. Why? Quite simply: Because our demands on our proofing system, our FIERY proofing software, our EFI proofing papers and … read more
In the current issue of Fogra News “Fogra Aktuell” Proof GmbH is involved in two places. Firstly, a summary of the Fogra report on our first FOGRA55 certification for seven-colour printing with extended colour space in CMYKOGV appeared. You can also find more information on our FOGRA55 certification on the Fogra website: and on And secondly, there was a report on the completion of the research project for textile digital printing, FOGRA58, in which we were allowed to investigate and test the proof capability of the new textile … read more
In order to implement the EU General Data Protection Regulation also in the shop in conformity, we have updated the shop in the last weeks, applied security patches and implemented important innovations for the protection of your personal data. We would like to briefly introduce some important changes: Your passwords are now even more strongly encrypted in the shop If you have forgotten your password, you will no longer receive a new password via email, but can change your new password via a shop page. You will still receive an … read more
We have used the past few weeks, to protect our proof Store with a SSL certification (EV). Thus the whole communication between you and the shop is protected with a high level of encryption. You recognize the active encryption by slight green bar in the browser. If you click on the lock, you will get more information about the certificate and the issuing body GeoTrust. And you can see at first glance: you are really connected to the Proof GmbH in Tübingen.
Proof GmbH is a member of Fogra – Forschungsinstitut für Medientechnologien e.V.. Why? In recent years, we have been able to draw on the support of Fogra with numerous projects, or work together with Fogra, for example for Fogra58 beta – Textile-RGB (where Matthias Betz was also able to report on our experiences as a speaker at the Fogra Colour Management Symposium 2020 in Munich as part of the presentation “Proofing of Fogra58beta”) or have contributed test prints and proofs to the research project “11.004L – Improving the printability … read more
From now on you can conveniently order proofs at At is available under a comfortable online shop with numerous benefits available: Convenient Data Upload: Each item one or more files can now be uploaded. So you can assign your data directly to the individual proofs. Payment by Paypal, direct debit, invoice etc .: You are on with Paypal and direct debit payment methods more available. Of course you can continue to conveniently order proofs on invoice. See Previous orders, invoices, data uploads: You can always check your … read more
In this short image video we – the Proof GmbH – introduce us and our work. Find out who we are and what drives us. What do you think of our short film?
Today we updated our chat software Livezilla Pro to offer you even more comfort and speed in the chat. Simply contact us directly via chat … a lot of minor details or brief queries can be dealt with quickly and conveniently.