We have used the past few weeks, to protect our proof Store shop.proof.de with a SSL certification (EV). Thus the whole communication between you and the shop is protected with a high level of encryption.

You recognize the active encryption by slight green bar in the browser. If you click on the lock, you will get more information about the certificate and the issuing body GeoTrust. And you can see at first glance: you are really connected to the Proof GmbH in Tübingen.

If you click on the lock a more accurate preview opens on the SSL certificate.
Clicking on “more information”, you will see the detail of the issued by GeoTrust SSL certificate of the Proof GmbH.

A SSL certificate with extended validation as ours is a special type of page verification, which is significantly more expensive than other types of verification page. A gray padlock indicates that a site uses a secure connection, a green lock indicates that the connection is secure and is the owner of the domain is in fact the expected owner.
With the EV certificate, you can see through the Site Identity Button that shop.proof.de is owned by the Proof GmbH because the owner’s name is displayed directly in the button. The identity dialog contains additional information about the site.
By SSL encryption we want to make sure that all communication between you, the Proof Shop and us is encrypted. Besides the https encryption, in the background all data between the shop and us is soley transmitted through an encrypted FTP connection.
Proof GmbH has again been certified by Fogra in September 2015, this time for the standards Fogra 51 (PSOCoated_v3), Fogra 52 (PSOuncoated_v3) and Fogra 39 (ISOcoatedv2). The Proof GmbH has thus reaffirmed it’s quality by the strict criteria of Fogra. The tests Fogra conducted went far beyond the pure colorimetric readout of a media wedge. The special proofs for Fogra were evaluated among the following criteria: Color accuracy of the Ugra / Fogra media wedge CMYK 3 Overall color accuracy and gamut Uniformity and homogeneity of the proofsProof GmbH has again been certified … read more
Proof GmbH is a member of Fogra – Forschungsinstitut für Medientechnologien e.V.. Why? In recent years, we have been able to draw on the support of Fogra with numerous projects, or work together with Fogra, for example for Fogra58 beta – Textile-RGB (where Matthias Betz was also able to report on our experiences as a speaker at the Fogra Colour Management Symposium 2020 in Munich as part of the presentation “Proofing of Fogra58beta”) or have contributed test prints and proofs to the research project “11.004L – Improving the printability … read more
In 2021 proof.de was again Fogra certified including Fogra “Spot cert” certification, i.e. for the display of spot colours such as PANTONE C and U.
In the current issue of Fogra News “Fogra Aktuell” Proof GmbH is involved in two places. Firstly, a summary of the Fogra report on our first FOGRA55 certification for seven-colour printing with extended colour space in CMYKOGV appeared. You can also find more information on our FOGRA55 certification on the Fogra website: https://fogra.org/en/press-releases/fogracert-erste-cpc-zertifizierung-fuer-fogra55-cmykogv-330 and on proofing.de: And secondly, there was a report on the completion of the research project for textile digital printing, FOGRA58, in which we were allowed to investigate and test the proof capability of the new textile … read more
Shortly before Christmas, we initiated a major shop update, and adapted and improved numerous detail functions. But we are especially pleased that the update went without any major disruption for our customers, and that the shop was online and accessible for only a few hours, even though the update had to be carried out at the live shop. The most important point for us was to update the upload area. The new file upload can now process up to 2GB per file and up to 50 files per article and: … read more
Once again we passed the Fogra certifications and were even the first company to be certified with the Fogra “Spot cert” for Fogra59 eciCMYK-V2.
The 7th Fogra Color Management Symposium was held in Munich from February 12 to 13, 2020, to which I was invited as a speaker for the area of proofing in Session 6. I reported on our tests in proofing for the Fogra58-Beta-Textile-RGB Standard for textile digital printing. The Fogra Color Management Symposium is one of the events in the field of colour management and brings together scientists and users from all over the world for a two-day exchange of ideas in Munich. A total of 21 speakers and 7 moderators … read more
In this short image video we – the Proof GmbH – introduce us and our work. Find out who we are and what drives us. What do you think of our short film?
With long delay, the new printing conditions Fogra Fogra 51 and 52 – PSOCoatedV3 and PSOUncoatedV3 – will be presented at the end of September and finally come into practice. The German bvdm invites together with Fogra and ECI to a joint “kick-off” of the new printing conditions in the “Hochschule der Medien” in Stuttgart. On Wednesday, the 30th of September 2015 from 10 o’clock representatives of the associations will introduce in the university the innovations, Karl Michael Meinecke wrote of the ECI mailing list. In this kick-off the new, jointly developed printing conditions … read more
Today we updated our chat software Livezilla Pro to offer you even more comfort and speed in the chat. Simply contact us directly via chat … a lot of minor details or brief queries can be dealt with quickly and conveniently.