Two years after publication: Large printing companies switch to Fogra 51 and 52

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It seems that by the end of 2017 the new standards PSOCoatedV3 and PSOUncoatedV3 are finally arriving on the wider printing market. At least with the printing company Thieme and – as of today – Schleunungdruck, two major operators in the market and Flyeralarm partners have switched to the new standards.

After experts such as Christian Piskulla of Cleverprinting have already provocatively pointed out the failure of the new standards – “Scheitern PSOcoated_v3 und die ISO 12647-2:2013?” (Are PSOcoated_v3 and ISO 12647-2:2013 failing?), the new printing standards seem to be spreading in practice at the moment. Two of the four Flyeralarm partner printing houses are now explicitly demanding the new profile, Flyeralarm itself still refers to ISOCoatedV2. However, it is probably only a matter of time before the large online printing companies will also switch to the new standards. Prognosis: If the first one starts, the others will follow.

Two years after the introduction of the new profiles, the Fogra51 and Fogra52 standards have thus arrived on the larger market for the first time and are also actively demanded by printers.

In the proofing sector at least Fogra51 still plays a subordinate role, Fogra39 is still the absolute top dog here. In the area of proofs for uncoated papers, Fogra52 already has a firm place because of the numerous papers with a high proportion of optical brighteners. On many papers, the colour shades of Fogra47/PSOUncoated simply cannot be achieved anymore.

So it seems that the drumming up of the BVDM in particular with regard to new printing conditions has paid off in the long run. If the large market players change over, the small ones will soon follow or will have to follow.

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