We passed the first proof certification for the 7C proof under FOGRA55

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Fogra Zertifikat Proof GmbH 2021 Fogra 55 7C CMYKOGV eCG 34807

A few days ago Proof GmbH was the first company to be certified for proofing for the new 7C exchange colour space FOGRA55.

Fogra has developed characterisation data for extended multicolour printing with the printing colours CMYKOGV – i.e. cyan, magenta, yellow, black (contrast), orange, green and violet – FOGRA55 as part of a research project over the past few years. The characterisation data and the ICC profile Ref-ECG-CMYKOGV_FOGRA55_TAC300.icc have been published on the Fogra website in recent weeks. We have now carried out the certification via GMG ColorProof, as GMG software can create and process multicolour profiles and already supports the new Fogra MediaWedge Multicolor V1 7C.

Proof GmbH Tübingen Fogra Certification FOGRA55 7C Matthias Betz examines 7C test form
Matthias Betz and Martin Streckfuß look at a proof of the various Fogra 7C test forms for FOGRA55 certification under standard light. Two Fogra Media Wedges Multicolour V1 7C can be seen on the left of the test form, which was output with the test form via GMG ColorProof.

Since the white point and the CMYK components correspond to FOGRA51 (PSOCoatedV3), we have used GMG ProofMedia premium OBA semiMatte 250 for the certification, as this GMG proof paper was specially developed for the output of PSOCoatedV3 proofs.

We are pleased to have received confirmation of successful certification from Fogra a few days ago.

Proof GmbH: FograCert: First CPC certification for FOGRA55 CMYKOGV

In the next few days we will offer the seven-colour proofs according to FOGRA55 in our Proof Shop.

Proof GmbH FOGRA55 Certificate CMYKOGV ECG 7C-Proof Preview

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