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DIN SPEC Business Plan “Open Colour Communication” published
Currently, our DIN SPEC business plan was published for 4 weeks from 19.02.2018 to 19.03.2018 on the DIN website for comment.
In this DIN SPEC we will define tools and procedures for open and transparent color communication from design to finished product based on CIELAB color values, physical samples according to ISO12647-7 and spectral data in CxF3 format according to ISO 17972.
DIN SPEC describes both the way to create physical samples and CxF spectral data for any CIELAB color values by the user and the basic parameters of an open reference color system, which is available to all users without license costs under a Creative Commons license. The work equipment described in DIN SPEC is particularly suitable for tasks in which colours are defined in design for various production processes and communicated to manufacturing companies by means of physical samples and spectral data. The procedure described in DIN SPEC is intended to enable the production of matt, silk-matt and glossy colour samples on closed unstructured surfaces.
In a way, DIN SPEC is the little brother of the DIN standard. DIN writes: “DIN SPEC is a highly effective marketing instrument which, thanks to the recognized DIN brand, ensures a high level of acceptance among customers and partners. DIN ensures that DIN SPEC does not conflict with existing standards and publishes the standards, even internationally. A DIN SPEC can be the basis for a DIN standard.”
With DIN SPEC 16699 “Open Color Communication” we at freieFarbe e.V. would like to show that with open tools and procedures as well as Creative Commons licenses, in particular the CIELAB standard, ICC-based color management and ISO standards for spectral data, color communication is possible on a professional level.
Further information can also be found on
Due to our involvement with freeColour e.V., at the last meeting in Switzerland the desire for a cross-media tool for designers was expressed with which one can create intersections of colourspaces from the freieFarbe CIELAB HLC Colour Atlas XL. With Gamutmap, Proof GmbH has now created such a tool, which is available to all designers free of charge. With Gamutmap nearly 100 individual colour spaces can be indicated from 34.250 colours of the entire CIELAB colour space, or intersections from many combined colour spaces can be indicated. An example: As … read more
A few days ago, our DIN SPEC 16699 “Open Colour Communication” was published and is now available for free download from DIN’s Beuth-Verlag. Matthias Betz from Proof GmbH, Holger Everding from DTP Studio Oldenburg, Jan-Peter Homann from Homann Colormanagement in Berlin and Eric. A Soder from Pixsource in Switzerland, all members of the association freieFarbe e.V., have shown in the bilingual DIN specification a way to create high-precision color samples on the basis of open source, license-free standards and have shown ways for cross-media color communication. The 44-page PDF is … read more
freeColor e. V. is a consortium of German and Swiss color experts who work to produce consistent color in all areas of application. Sounds reasonable? Exactly. That is the issue that is of central importance to our proofing customers. Therefore we are currently working in a project with the colleagues of FreieFarbe e. V. and are now also as Proof GmbH member and partner of FreieFarbe e. V. FreeColor relies on open standards such as LAB and HLC, which have long been integrated in computer software and want to show: … read more
It has taken almost a year, but we are all the more pleased now: The “CIELAB HLC Colour Atlas” is completed and can be ordered in our shop. The HLC Colour Atlas is a open source, high-precision colour system based on open standards.
Last Monday, the authors Jan-Peter Homann, Holger Everding, Eric A. Soder and Matthias Betz took another milestone in the direction of free color communication in a final meeting at the German Institute for Standardization – DIN in Berlin: The last open points of DIN SPEC 16699 “Open Colour Communication” were discussed and approved. Now only the English version by Matthias Betz and Eric A. Soder and the final implementation and approval by DIN are missing. It is expected that DIN SPEC will be available for download in August. … read more