How accurate can PANTONE colours be reproduced in proofing?

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Pantone colours can be simulated very well today. T be able in advance to see how well your Pantone colour can be reproduced, we have published tables of all Pantone inks where the colour differences of the Pantone colours can be looked up already before proofing.

Colour variations of Pantone colours in Delta-E

Colour variations of Pantone metallic colours in Delta-E

We have now even photographed some pictures that visually show how appropriate proofs on the latest Pantone subjects.

PANTONE Solid Coated Fan colors vs. Digital Proof
PANTONE Solid Coated Fan colors vs. Digital Proof 2
PANTONE Solid Coated Fan colors vs. Digital Proof
PANTONE Solid Uncoated Fan colors vs. Digital Proof
PANTONE Solid Uncoated Fan colors vs. Digital Proof 2
PANTONE Solid Uncoated Fan colors vs. Digital Proof 2

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5 thoughts on “How accurate can PANTONE colours be reproduced in proofing?”

    • Hello Mr. Robert,

      I used the internal PANTONE LAB values of my Fiery XF Rip and hat these compared with the achievable Gamut on my printing subtrate with my inks etc.. I did a test once for the Institut of Printing Technology Darmstadt, in that case we used a LAB Chart with 1700+ color values, which was prepared in Indesign, as far as I remember … XF offers the possibility to compare the achiavable colorspace to specific spot colors. I am proofing with the Epson P9000V Spectro since recently as well, so I will have to check, wether I via the Epson Contone Driver are able to achieve a larger gamut and more accurate color.
      Best regards, Matthias Betz

      • Hello Mr. Robert,

        sorry, I thought, you were referring to this article:∆e/
        In case of the Pantone / proofing comparison pictures, we were working in InDesign, using the InDesign Pantone Tables – which of course in proofing were replaces by the EFI/Fiery internal Pantone colors in LAB. Without any manipulation, we compared these proofs to PANTONE strips of the actual PANTONE fan.

        Best regards, Matthias Betz

          • Hallo Mister Robert,

            it might have even been with CMYK values inside. We then created a PDF with CMYK + 6 PANTONE color plates, which we loaded into Fiery Colorproof XF for proofing. In XF, the Pantone Plates were replaced by the XF internal LAB PANTONE colors. For the fotography, we put original PANTONE color fan pages aside our proofed PANTONE color fields. Left: our proofed color swatches. Right: original PANTON color fan page.

            I must apologize for my bad english, it used to be better, but it deteriorated a bit during the last couple of years …

            Best regards, Matthias Betz

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