EAN = European Article Number. The EAN was replaced by the GTIN = Global Trade Identification Number in 2009.
The portal for colour binding proofs, colour proofs, digital proofs, online proofs. Compact knowledge on colour management, graphics, measuring technology & more.
EAN = European Article Number. The EAN was replaced by the GTIN = Global Trade Identification Number in 2009.
“Early Binding” workflow means that RGB image data are converted into the planned CMYK print colour space as early as possible during separation.
The ECI – the European Color Initiative – is a group of experts who deal with the processing of colour data in publication systems.
Electronics For Imaging, Inc., short: EFI is an American company and one of the leading manufacturers of proofing systems worldwide: EFI Colorproof XF, since 2013: Fiery XF. EFI is a software and hardware provider for Large Format Printing systems, RIPs and color management solutions such as proofing.
In early installations of Photoshop from the 90s numerous Euroscala or Euro Scale profiles have been installed, which still haunt some software. In particular, the UK’s profile still seem to have some spread.