CIELAB or LAB is a mathematical colour model that has become established wherever exact colour calculations are required. Computer colour management usually works via CIELAB.
The portal for colour binding proofs, colour proofs, digital proofs, online proofs. Compact knowledge on colour management, graphics, measuring technology & more.
CIELAB or LAB is a mathematical colour model that has become established wherever exact colour calculations are required. Computer colour management usually works via CIELAB.
The company Lacunasolutions from Kirchanschöring in Bavaria, owned by colour management expert Alexander Demmler, offers standard light solutions for printing companies and prepress operations, but also has a soft proofing solution in the form of the Spectraproof soft proofing software, which can produce excellent soft proofs using the company’s own standard light and various hardware-calibratable monitors such as EIZO, BENQ and Viewsonic. Standard light: From the small D50 standard light LED luminaire for the desk to large standard light installations in print shops, Alexander Demmler offers a wide range of …
In a “Late Binding” workflow, RGB image data is inserted into the layout during separation, and also embedded into the print PDF during PDF export to the print file. The conversion into the print colour space takes place at the last possible moment, e.g. in the RIP of the printing company.
An LED is a ‘light-emitting diode’ and in the graphics industry stands for the new ‘LED’ light, which has replaced older light sources such as neon tubes and tungsten lamps. Neon tubes are mainly known from the area of D50 or D65 standard light, while tungsten light sources were mainly used in colour measuring devices such as spectrophotometers and colourimeters. Today, LED light sources are predominantly used for both standard light and colour measurement light, as they can be better spectrally adapted and often emit a more harmonious light spectrum, …
A small magnifying glass in reproduction and printing technology with 8 to 10x magnification. Linen testers are often used in pre-press to check halftone or register accuracy.
LWC paper (Light Weight Coated) is a light-weight, two-side coated web printing paper. Brochures and catalogues are often printed on this paper.