Heaven 42 proofs on proof paper with optical brighteners

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Good consistency in the paper white of proof paper and original Scheufelen heaven 42 paper color
Good consistency in the paper white of proof paper and original Scheufelen heaven 42 paper color

The Proof GmbH provides proofs for Scheufelen Heaven 42 papers on the new EFI 8245 OBA proofing paper. With this new proofing paper it is now possible to proof the bright-white paper dye of Heaven42l.

With Heaven 42 a bright white paper was developed by the German paper company Scheufelen, which opened up a new color whiteness. Especially technical motifs (shades of gray, silver tones from 4c, strong contrasts) act on Heaven 42 particularly brilliant and neutral. With an unchanged separation (eg with ICC profile “ISOcoated_v2”), but the printed image with the same color and dot gain looks considerably colder. Using images with warm tones (z. B. skintones) it is therefore recommended to do color adjustments.

We proofed Heaven42 on EFI Proof Paper 8245 OBA with optical brighteners and measure the Proofs M1 standard with consideration of optical brighteners. The proof can be provided with a UGRA / FOGRA media wedge and test report. Our Heaven42 proofs provide a good simulation of Heaven42 offered by Scheufelen for the ICC Profiles of Heidelberger Druck. The profile can be downloaded from the Scheufelen Website with additional notes from Scheufelen to pressure requirements etc., which are also included in the download of the profile.

Scheufelen offers two ICC-Profiles for Download, we are proofing the profile of Heidelberger Druck (“_HD”).
Profile: Heaven42_AM_U280_K98_G80_HD.icc
Ink Coverage: ~280 % (U)
Black: GCR , 80 % (G)
Max Black: 98 % (K)
Proofing Substrate: EFI Proof Paper 8245 OBA Semimatt
Verification Profile: Made from Reference Data
Verification Light: M1 with OBA

Heaven 42 Proofs can be ordered directly in Proof store of Proof.de. Simply select the profile “Heaven 42”.

Scheufelen Heaven 42 Heaven42 Vergleich mit ISOCoatedV2 Digitalproof der Proof GmbH
Bottom left: ISOcoatedv2 Proof on EFI Gravure Proof Paper 4245, Bottom right: Heaven 42 Proof on EFI Proof Paper 8245 OBA Above: Original paper white Heaven 42 by Scheufelen
Scheufelen Heaven 42 match with ISOCoatedV2 Digitalproof of Proof GmbH
Below: ISOcoatedv2 Proof to EFI Gravure Proof Paper 4245. Above: Heaven 42 Proof EFI Proof Paper 8245 OBA. Middle: Original paper pattern Heaven 42 Scheufelen

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