Chromo board
Chromo board refers to a multi-layer cardboard cake with a coated, usually white front side and an uncoated reverse side. It is mainly used for packaging printing.
The portal for colour binding proofs, colour proofs, digital proofs, online proofs. Compact knowledge on colour management, graphics, measuring technology & more.
Chromo board refers to a multi-layer cardboard cake with a coated, usually white front side and an uncoated reverse side. It is mainly used for packaging printing.
One-side coated paper with excellent printability.
CIELAB or LAB is a mathematical colour model that has become established wherever exact colour calculations are required. Computer colour management usually works via CIELAB.
CMYK stands for the four printing colours cyan, magenta, yellow and ‘key’ (black or black component).
Color proofs (correct: contract proofs) are an ISO-certified test equipment for the graphic arts industry. Color proofs simulate the colorfulness of offset or gravure printing in a color and legally binding manner within the narrow tolerances of ISO 12647-7. Today, they are almost exclusively calculated using a RIP and then produced with inkjet printers on special proof papers.
A colour measuring device for measuring/comparing colours.
It is often used to calibrate monitors or in biology/chemistry for analyses. More sophisticated devices, such as the spectrophotometer, can measure colours spectrally and are also used for proofing to verify or calibrate printers.
Colorimetry, or colour theory, is the science of colour.
It is primarily concerned with an objective and measurable evaluation and definition of colour valences (the visual perception of colour), as well as their relationships to one another.
Ink coverage in printing refers to the amount of ink applied to a printed surface. It is also referred to as ink coverage or ink density. The ink application is an important parameter in the printing process as it influences the intensity and saturation of the colours. A high ink application can lead to more intense colours and a higher saturation, but also to longer drying times and possibly to problems such as the ink bleeding through the paper. A low ink application, on the other hand, can lead to …
When a coloured image appears as if a coloured filter is placed over it, this is called a colour cast. In printing, this is caused by a poor gray balance.
Specifies how many different colour shades can be displayed.
The measured distance (colour difference) between two colours. The colour locations of the two colour values are displayed within a system and the difference is given in Delta-E.
The colour gamut (or simply: gamut) refers to the range of all colours in a colour space that can be recognised (camera, scanner) or reproduced (printer, monitor) by a device.
It is visualised in the form of a colour solid.
The colour location describes the position of a measured or selected colour within a colour space. This is often defined by coordinates, e.g. using L, a and b in the CIELab colour space.
The set of all the colour locations in a colour space is called the colour gamut (or gamut).
The aim of colour management is to ensure that colours are reproduced as similarly as possible across different devices such as cameras, scanners, monitors, laser, inkjet, offset printers and many more.
Colour measurement is used to determine the exact colour location of a colour in a colour system.
The colour mode is a setting that determines the depth to which colours can be displayed in an image file. This also affects the size of the file.
The most common colour modes are RGB, CMYK, Lab, Index mode, Greyscale and Bitmap.
A colour model (or colour system) is an abstract mathematical method for determining and specifying colours and their relationship to each other.
It is sometimes referred to as colour space, although the latter is the concrete application of a colour model to a colour-producing method (printer, monitor, etc.).
A colour profile stores the characteristic features of a colour processing device.
These can be scanners, printers and monitors.
With the help of colour profiles it is possible to see what kind of colour range a device can represent.
Colour proofs (correct: contract proofs) are an ISO-certified test equipment for the graphic arts industry. Colour proofs simulate the colourfulness of offset or gravure printing in a colour and legally binding manner within the narrow tolerances of ISO 12647-7. Today, they are almost exclusively calculated using a RIP and then produced with inkjet printers on special proof papers.
1. standardised printing colours (process colours) for four-colour printing (CMYK), e.g. the Euroscale.
2. proof scale: A schematic ink sample that is produced during a press proof and serves as a basis for assessing a print in the production run.