PDFX-ready is a Swiss initiative founded in 2005. The goal is to promote and facilitate the use of the PDF/X ISO Standards for the exchange of printing data.
PDFX-ready creates guidelines, instruction sheets (called recipies), application settings (colour, pdf export) and preflight profiles. The PDFX-ready specifications are based on the PDF/X-Plus specifications of the Ghent (PDF) Workgroup.
PDFX-ready guide – Version PDF / X-4 CMYK
The Proof GmbH is PDFX-ready and certified member of Output Proof of PDF / X-4 files.
More information can be found on the website of PDFX-ready.
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Current Proof Standards 2025

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We passed the first proof certification for the 7C proof under FOGRA55

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New PANTONE Formula Guides with incorrect ink formulations

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Precise proofing of tonal values of spot colours

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